Monday, October 3, 2011

Horrifying Void, North Mountain Branch

Mapped and pathed through the North Mountain.

The borg found the bit of map that has improper pathing layers. The cartographer wandered around out there in the aether until it died for a few runs, and then I decided to manually modify the atlas to seal the evil away. I retained what it was able to map for posterity; maybe if I'm feeling particularly neurotic I'll crack open the seal again and send it out to explore the unknown.

The Magisa / Forza fight is pretty easy; most of the time the borg wins with everyone still standing. However, it is possible for them to get very, very lucky and get one-hit kills in on party members, and if they get 2 or 3 in then the fight is much closer. It looks like the odds are about 1 in 10 that we'll lose just mashing A; I'm okay with that for now. I want to get past the trivial boss fights and get to something that requires a more intelligent strategy.

Monks really are a great early game class. They're big sacks of hit points, they have by far the best physical attacks at this point in the game, and their greatest weakness - poor equipment choices - is almost meaningless so early on.

Hiryuu is convinced it can use transitions, and this leads to some interesting cartography problems. Not only will it try to go through the Torna Canal entrance to try to finish mapping that area out, but it'll also refuse to approach the Castle Tycoon area of the map because there's a transition to the Tycoon Meteor Site in the way. Looks like I need to be able to mark each vehicle as passing or using transitions.

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