Sunday, September 11, 2011


Mapped and pathed through the Seaside Cave today. The cutscene detection definitely needs some fine tuning; a lot of regular transitions are getting recorded as cutscenes, and sometimes the cartographer's off by one square on the start point of a cutscene. There's also a few cliff edges that Boco was convinced he could walk through but obviously couldn't. Huh. Will need to go back and investigate that later when I'm not riding a bird and see if that's one of the places where the map is broken.

Made it all the way out to where we're driving the pirate ship, and promptly got stuck. It turns out that open ocean squares are all zeroes on their barrier bits, which so far we've been interpreting as no passage in any direction.

So that sucks.

It'll take some more investigation, but I believe barrier bits have an entirely different meaning on the overworld map. This will mean more code that's likely to be game specific, but if my guess is right, it will also give me the information I need to handle entering/leaving the ship. It looks like barrier bits are always 1 on land, always 0 in open ocean, and switch on the coastline. We'll have to allow stepping over that barrier from land to sea if a boat is there, and from sea to land if the land square can hold an ambulating party.

Definitely not getting to tier 1 jobs this weekend. Gonna take it easy for the next week.

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