Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Understanding Basic Navigation in FF5

Final Fantasy 4's map data lent itself fairly nicely to reverse engineering. On local maps, each square has a 1-byte number representing the square's movement layer, and there are some very basic rules about which layers connect to which; I went into more detail on this in the Traffic Jams post. Overworld map data is similar, but there's a lot more values, and different vehicles have different rules for whether they can enter each square.

That's not actually the whole story; each overworld map square actually has 2 bytes of data, but I only found the 2nd byte useful for discerning whether vehicles could land in particular squares.

Final Fantasy 5 is a bit more involved, although perhaps not as much as I initially feared. I made a couple of half-hearted attempts at figuring out memory keys for navigation 2 weeks ago, and was dismayed by the results; it's definitely using a different system than FF4. Each map square uses 2 bytes of data, and so far it doesn't appear to be layer-based. The good news: after taking another shot at deciphering map data, it looks like it's 16 bits of flags, and I may have already sorted out the most important bits.

7E10FA - current_map_square_type

This memory key stores info on the square we're currently standing on. There's data right around this on neighboring squares, which is great; building an atlas just based on reading the square we're standing on is possible, but it would take more code. Here's some sample values broken down into bits. Note that I'm presenting these as big-endian, not little-endian like they are in memory.

Samples taken from Tule Village.
3969 - 0000 1111 1000 0001 - regular walkable square
3843 - 0000 1111 0000 0011 - flowers, square just outside gated area, still can walk anywhere
3978 - 0000 1111 1000 1010 - square just inside gated area, still can walk anywhere
1930 - 0000 0111 1000 1010 - gated area, fence to north
3466 - 0000 1101 1000 1010 - gated area, fence to west
1418 - 0000 0101 1000 1010 - gated area, fence to north and west
2442 - 0000 1001 1000 1010 - gated area, fence to south and west
2954 - 0000 1011 1000 1010 - gated area, fence to south
3722 - 0000 1110 1000 1010 - gated area, fence to east
1923 - 0000 0111 1000 0011 - standing in front of Pub sign (can't walk north)
3971 - 0000 1111 1000 0011 - standing just to right of a building.
3977 - 0000 1111 1000 1001 - partly occluded by chimney / tree / side overhang
3851 - 0000 1111 0000 1011 - mostly occluded by roof of building
0 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 - obstacle.

I was very excited when I started seeing the bit breakdowns for these. Bits 11 through 8 seem to be exactly what I need: 1 if passable to the neighboring square, 0 if barrier, in the order NSWE. The order of directions struck me as a little odd, since for both FF4 and FF5 they seem to usually do directions in the order NESW, but whatever. I'm also glad that generic obstacles are still all zeros, and that treasure chests seem to all be on obstacles. Two more things I don't have to change.

My square->isLayerCompatibleWith(other_square) method is going to have to be a bit more complicated for FF5. We can't just compare numbers; we have know how the two squares are oriented and make sure the relevant passability bit is 1 in both squares.

The other 12 bits of map data obviously mean something, but I haven't sorted out what yet, and probably won't have to for a while. Some samples from the overworld map provide some clues.

Samples taken from overworld map:
12111 - 0010 1111 0100 1111 - grass
53071 - 1100 1111 0100 1111 - forest
61263 - 1110 1111 0100 1111 - desert
27215 - 0110 1010 0100 1111 - shore, can't walk south or east
26191 - 0110 0110 0100 1111 - shore, can't walk north or east
61252 - 1110 1111 0100 0100 - mountain
25212 - 0101 0011 0000 0100 - coast, land to west
26748 - 0110 1000 0111 1100 - coast, land to north
61261 - 1110 1111 0100 1101 - meteor
58437 - 1110 0100 0100 0101 - cave entrance 

These help confirm my analysis of bits 11-8, although I'm not sure about those coast measurements; I'll need to take more data while I'm in the boat. It also looks like a square can't be walked on if its two least significant bits are 0. Might be some FF4-style layering in here after all. That and the passability flags should give me enough to get the cartographer running. I'll figure out vehicles later.

My rule of development on these projects has been to write just enough code to solve the problem right in front of us and then see how much farther the borg gets. Rinse, lather, repeat. I know that my understanding of map data will change as time goes on, but this is good enough for now, and the point in time where it's not good enough is exactly the point that the cartographer will put me in a position to learn more. That's why I'm not testing my assumptions out; we'll find out soon enough how sound they are.

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